Introduction to US Housing Market & Global Financial Crisis
Date: September 26th, 2019
Time: 19:00 - 20:00
Venue: Schermerhorn 608
Dive into the fundamentals of the US housing market and its role in the ’08 financial crisis.
Professor Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Earle W. Kazis and Benjamin Schore Professor of Real Estate at Columbia Business School.
With research experience regarding housing, asset pricing, and macroeconomics, his area of expertise regards how financial market liberalization in the mortgage market relaxed households’ down payment constraints and affected the prices of stocks and bonds (hence linking real estate to securities trading too!).
Publishing numerous high-impact journal papers regarding economic research, he has served as an advisor to the Norwegian Minister of Finance, and has been a visiting scholar at Central Bank of Belgium, the New York and Minneapolis Federal Reserve Banks, the Swedish House of Finance, the International Center for Housing Risk, and contributed to the World Economic Forum project on real estate price dynamics. He has recently won the Bernacer Prize, an annual award to a Europen economist under age of 40 who has made significant contributions in macroeconomics and finance.